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Who Am I?

CA, United States
Before I get to the slightly more interesting 'about me': Name's Alex Robles, I'm a CG Artist that dabbles in 2D and 3D worlds. I enjoy video games and watching what I believe to be the best shows, animated or not. Due to this, I also enjoy creating my own stories and occasionally brainstorming game ideas. Not that it really matters, but I'm also a singer that's not currently aligned with any bands, but enjoy my fair share of voice acting and make up my own tunes. If you care enough to read any of this, thanks for sharing your time and staring at the magical light box on your lap or desk just to see my page. On to the colorfulness: Born from entertainment itself is a man of simple, yet uncommon ideas. This man welcomes you to his realm of perpetually developing chicken scratch and Artistic Revelations as the illusionary messenger, X, or Alex Robles to those who don't enjoy somewhat colorful words. In an attempt to find an efficient method of uploading his 'drawrings' without losing priceless time, he decided to 'blog-it-up-a-notch.' So, check the STUFF out while you can!

Friday, January 15, 2010

More Concepts

I was thinking about women who are in control when I was sketching most of these. I planned on taking one of my generic models I've made and turning them into some of these.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monster Sketches

Concepts for characters I could add to my CG porfolio. I wasn't sure how far I would get into to it, but I ended up just modeling one of the characters and moved on to something else.

B-Nana Pharmacy

This I can't really explain. She's a nana...wearing a bee outfit...see, I told you I couldn't explain it!


I did this for my friend's birthday a couple years back. He loved it. I sketched it, scanned it, inked it in Flash and then I think I colored it in Flash as well.

The Protomen

The two doctors from Capcom's Megaman. This is a concept I made for a Protomen short we'd like to do someday. We weren't sure what song to do, but either way it would be awesome.


Designs I made for a character I wanted to model years ago. There was an attempt, but it was one of the first fully fledged characters I made, so there were way too many flaws for me to flaunt it.


Old sketch of me trying out comic book styles.


Character designs for an idea I had. Didn't make much of it really, just people who use fancy old swords in a high tech kind of place.

Fasha Celipa Whatever

Fan art of a character that had a tiny role from the Dragon Ball Z movies. Sketched with graphite, scanned, inked with Flash and then painted in Photoshop.

Chrono Trigger 2

A what if sketch I did, scanned and then Photoshopped quickly. Square-Enix is serious about people trying to make non-profit sequels to a game they will probably never touch again. I hope they see that there's at least a handful of people would be willing to play another Chrono game somewhere in the world.


An old picture of my friend Jon and his faithful...yet dumb companion, Betty.

Shinei Quest 2 Comic Strip Rough

A comic strip (sans words) about committing suicide in an MMO.


Not much to say about this except that it was fun to sketch.

Jester King

After sketching the guy on the right, I couldn't help but feel like he's really up to something.

Royality 2

Sketches for the Royalty idea I had a while back.


Some character sketches for an idea I had about royal people who simply don't care about their subjects at all. And no. I didn't misspell it. It's Roy-Al-ity.

Team Suit Up strip two

An unfinished comic strip rough for Team Suit Up.

Team Suit Up strip one

A short, rough comic strip of the Team Suit Up characters I did one day.

Team Suit Up Villains

Some more characters from the cast of Team Suit Up. Mostly villains except for the one on the left.

Michelle Poster

A poster of my Team Suit Up character Michelle. Inked in Flash, painted in Photoshop.

Michelle Bow Charge

A rough sketch of one of the Team Suit Up characters performing one of her attacks. Just a rough layout of the way the attack should be performed.

Team Suit Up Group

Another Team Suit Up group shot. Sketched with graphite then scanned into photoshop. I kept it rough to experiment with a few things.

An assortment of sketches from my Team Suit Up Universe.

Team Suit Up Poster

A small poster of the three main characters from my comic book idea 'Team Suit Up.' The characters were graphite, scanned, inked in Flash and then colorized in Photoshop.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Born from entertainment itself is a man of simple, yet uncommon ideas. This man welcomes you to his realm of perpetually developing chicken scratch and Artistic Revelations as the illusionary messenger, X, or Alex Robles to those who don't enjoy somewhat colorful words. In an attempt to find an efficient method of uploading his 'drawrings' without losing priceless time, he decided to 'blog-it-up-a-notch.' So, check the STUFF out while you can!