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Who Am I?

CA, United States
Before I get to the slightly more interesting 'about me': Name's Alex Robles, I'm a CG Artist that dabbles in 2D and 3D worlds. I enjoy video games and watching what I believe to be the best shows, animated or not. Due to this, I also enjoy creating my own stories and occasionally brainstorming game ideas. Not that it really matters, but I'm also a singer that's not currently aligned with any bands, but enjoy my fair share of voice acting and make up my own tunes. If you care enough to read any of this, thanks for sharing your time and staring at the magical light box on your lap or desk just to see my page. On to the colorfulness: Born from entertainment itself is a man of simple, yet uncommon ideas. This man welcomes you to his realm of perpetually developing chicken scratch and Artistic Revelations as the illusionary messenger, X, or Alex Robles to those who don't enjoy somewhat colorful words. In an attempt to find an efficient method of uploading his 'drawrings' without losing priceless time, he decided to 'blog-it-up-a-notch.' So, check the STUFF out while you can!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


More experimenting in Manga Studio!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Some experimenting that’s yielded some fun results. I rather like this character ^_^

Time Guys

Some neat concepts.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

DBZ Portraits X 2

DBZ villain portraits are fun to do!

Comic Cover

I drew a full mini comic book cover for my friend's project he's working on in a little over an hour. It was a neat little challenge. Manga Studio 5.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Raven TTG X

Raven from Teen Titans Go! I love this show so much! It’s Dexter’s Lab/PowerPuff Girls meets Teen Titans! So much hidden awesomeness in the jokes and bgs!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wolf O'Donnell X

Wolf O'Donnell of StarWolf from StarFox.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chicken Arrow

Maybe I'll do something with this sometime. Maybe not. Just fun to do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DBZ Portraits X

Some quick fun sketches of durgen burr see.

Misery X

Result of a stream on Misery from Cave Story as part of Video Game Villains series!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Flea X

Another piece from my Video Game Villains series I'm doing. Flea from Chrono Trigger.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Video Game Villains

All part of a series of video game villains I've decided to do in my livestreams.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bee and PuppyCat

Whew! Been wanting to do some Bee and PuppyCat fan-art for a while and this was a result of last night…err..this morning’s livestream. I had exactly one guest for maybe ten minutes this time. That’s like a record or something.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Result of a random livestream with awesome Ok Go and music closely related.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Love TFS. Bout time I got some fanart goin!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sailor Jupiter X

Pretty Cyber Soldier Sailor Jupiter. Result of a livestream.

Monday, September 1, 2014


My original comic tie-in for Engine Giant’s Animanga 3D items for PlayStation Home.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Animanga 3D: Anti-Bully

The cover of the first chapter of a webcomic/manga that I am working on for Engine Giant!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


He's A bit of practice.

Zombie Boy

Another practice sketch.

Mock Concepts 01

Random sketch practice outside of my typical cartoony/anime style stuff.

Tormented Mage 01

A bit of traditional animation I did for about an hour about about 1-2 in the morning.

Team Suit Up: Michelle Blaze Angel Armor

Michelle’s suit of armor, currently named “Angel” but if anyone’s got any interesting enough suggestions, I would easily consider renaming it. 

Freelance Logo

Didn't get used.

Dragon Trigger Z


Happy Birthday Joy

A birthday gift I made.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

2D Freelance for Animation

A few projects I worked on but ultimately was not paid for. <: p="">
I made this today. Still got plenty of room for much much much needed commissions. Don’t be shy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spider-Man Bust

Made a sketch, inked it, scanned it, colored it in PS.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BatGirl and stuff

Sketches new and old! From my Tumblr.